Monday, April 1, 2013

Remembering MLK, and I am back!

" If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward..."

--Martin Luther King, Jr.

Shortly after my last blog of nearly a year and a half ago, I was in an accident and literally all I could do was crawl on my belly across my living room floor the first couple of days. Crutches, a cane and a lot of physical therapy I now walk on my own. What I learned/realized was when I fall down in any area of my life I no longer stay "down" like I used to but somehow I get up and keep going no matter what. Even if that means crawling because I can no longer sit still feeling sorry for myself, but must keep moving forward. I will tell you the last year and half has been really rough, but through it all I have found what I am made of, what I believe we are all made of, the power of the human spirit. It's sadly an untapped energy source. I am here to share my story and to hear yours and together form a common bond of strength, caring, love and common support. This is NOT a place for a pity party, but a place to come together in support, encouragement, caring and strength TOGETHER. See as humans our egos seem to get in the way of our coming together and letting the love and support we really desire actually come into our lives and in turn come together for solutions to all the crazy stuff that is going on on our home Planet Earth. Join me?

I am happy to report those 25 pounds I wanted to lose I decided to give them away instead of losing them, as I have no desire to find them again. In the last six months I have "given away" 30 pounds for a total of over 50 pounds. More on how I have accomplished that later.

More soon!

Peace and Blessings!


(Written right after MLK Day 2013, posted 4-1-13)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Today is Day 4

Hello Again,

It is nice to be back. I am a little bit nervous about my new blog, but here goes. Its been a great four days so far. If you read my first blog you know I have started a focused time period and countdown to my birthday, 100 days and today is day 4. It is all about taking all the things I have learned through the school of hard knocks,  and applying them in an even bigger way. In other words I have learned to be teachable, that I do not know it all, and that sometimes when I am spinning in circles the kind observations of a friend can point me in the right direction again. We are not islands, we are all here to be there for each other, to love and support each other. I am so grateful to all my friends and teachers who have had the patience and love to help facitate my growth as a person. A big part of my reason for writing this blog is to share the blessings that I have been given, the wisdom and knowledge. Honestly, I am hmmm beyond grateful for who and what I have become over the years. But with that said I am no where anything close to perfect, and need others around me to mirror back who and what I am. I believe we are all mirrors for each other. One of the nicest things that happened yesterday was a lovely lady I have the pleasure to interact with professionally mirrored back to me what I have become, see sometimes I forget how far I have come. I need to be reminded and to always be grateful. Thank you DL, you made my day not once but twice yesterday!

So it's late, to wrap up, I had a great day at work. The project I am working on is finally coming together brilliantly, a lot of data to organize and manage.

Beauty---with my new puppy it has been challenging doing some of the simple little things that make me feel good as a woman, so yesterday I gave myself a mini manicure and exfoliated, I live to exfoliate! More on that soon.

Belief--- this is the spiritiual part. I had planned to go to the services tonight at the spiritual center I attend, but felt called to go swimming, it was such a beautiful summer night tonight. It has been a long time since I just floated on my back in a pool and just looked up at the sky. (This was after about 40 minutes of vigorous swimming). It was beautiful just laying there floating and looking up at the sky, the trees and the sliver of a crescent moon. It was so worth driving an additional 45 minutes after my commute home to go over to my parents home and their pool. I floated there just grateful to be alive and living on this amazing planet, our mother earth. I meditated and loved the beautiful stillness.

Shayla, my puppy, was so happy running around the pool while I got my exercise.

Beyond--- more on this soon.

I am working on some exciting things, will discuss soon!

Peace and Blessings until we meet again!

Celeya                                                                                                                                               257.8

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hello World...

Today is the beginning of a celebration it is 100 days until my birthday and every day starting today and until my birthday I am going to celebrate and honor my life. Yes life is challenging for all of us these days, but I am going to focus on not the challenges (negatives) but what is good (positives) about my life. I am going to focus on taking better care of myself, physically, mentally and spiritually by eating better, exercising more, focusing on what is right in the world instead of what's wrong. You see I believe I make a difference, if I can see the world in a better light, then maybe you can too, because I believe each of us make a difference and have value in this world!

I am going to share with you my views on Beauty, Beliefs and other things which is the Beyond part. I am also going to share with you the amazing being I share my life with, my puppy Shayla.

I want to loose a few pounds, I would love to loose 25 but would be really happy with 15.

I am soooo excited about this Blog. I am interested in who this will touch and hopefully shine some positive light into a weary world and in turn become a better person myself.

Peace and Blessings,
